What could be better than spending a Saturday morning with a sweet babe who’s turning one?! Ellie Anne’s birthday is this Friday, August 23. Her mom, Monica, wanted to celebrate with a special watermelon session, since it’s one of her favorite foods!

I love the story behind the wooden rocking chair; It was Monica’s grandmother’s chair, and Monica used to play on it when she was a child. Monica has also been taking Ellie Anne’s monthly pictures in the chair, so I knew we had to include the signs she’s been using!

Isn’t she the cutest?! She did so well during the session and shared lots of smiles. Her mom and dad were the sweetest during the shoot! They were singing her favorite songs and were so encouraging; this little girl won the lottery with her family!

I seriously want to take all the first birthday sessions! I mean, does it get any cuter than a toddler getting to dig into one of their favorite treats? Let’s all wish Ellie Anne a very happy, early, birthday filled with all the watermelon she can eat!